Google Recovery Services

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Google Recovery Services

As the updates for Google algorithms have arrived – Panda and Penguin, it has become very hard for the people to maintain the rankings of their websites. These updates have mainly affected the websites which were involved in spamming activities and which believed in providing rotten content to the people.

SEO Webfly Services meticulously analyze the websites eliminated from the search engine. We offer penalty assessment services to identify that may have resulted in penalties on the websites. We also keep an eye on low-quality sites, hidden texts, keyword stuffed content and much more reasons that result in penalties on the website. The type of penalty that has been implemented and the affects of that penalty on your website rankings determine our recovery process.

Our Focus While Providing Services

  • Resubmission of XML sitemap in webmaster tools
  • Finding Duplicacy from websites
  • Review of Google Webmaster Tools and Analytics for traffic fall
  • Help in blocking the crawling of pages which cannot be fixed
  • Running crawlers to discover and analyze low-quality content
  • Recommending pages removal/updating of low quality or duplicate content with fresh content
  • Baseline Rank Check
  • Obtaining Link Data
  • Evaluating and Removing Links
  • Submitting Removal Requests to Google

We are one of the best Google Recovery Service providing companies who recover websites on the search engine. We identify patterns and networks which are causing problems in the website. Our experts locate all specific links which are causing issues such as blog links, forum links, paid links, scrapper links and so on. SEO Webfly Services Experts advise you about what links should be removed and what links needs to work on. It is also true that removing the links would mean that your site will suffer a loss in short tail keywords. To overcome this, we ensure to optimize all your current pages to minimize this loss. You can avail these quality services at affordable prices.

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